
Dangerous Dance - Dolores Keane


【凯尔特民谣】Dangerous Dance - Dolores Keane

这是一张以人性观感为出发点的唱片,藉由Dolores Keane淡柔高雅,内敛感性的吟唱,散发出浓厚的省思色彩。英国著名音乐杂志Q Magazine如此形容:「她的歌声就如同提琴音韵般的典雅艳丽」。

“爱尔兰美声天后”Dolores Keane出生于音乐世家,祖母Rita Keane以及姨妈Sarah Keane都是著名的凯尔特音乐演唱家,五岁即开始随家人登台献艺。后来,她随着丈夫John Faulkner移居英国,为BBC广播公司录制了许多电视配乐。九零年代初凭借《女人心》I、II集,成功地登上了国际舞台。

《Dangerous Dance》

Too long in trouble, I wish it would end.
Could we live side by side, could we be friends?
We're not all the same, I know this is true.
But I am just me, and you are just you.
We tell our own lives, we live all thus.
The old dreams don't die, the memories last.
But to die for a dream, is such a tragic romance.
Prejudice and pride, a dangerous dance.
Oh hear the pipes playing, take up your stance.
And our children will pay for our dangerous dance.
And the best part of reason, gets lost in time.
Not just off old books, it's still in our eyes.
And there's beauty in old books, when there's truth on the page.
And when we're all gone, what will the books say?
Oh hear the pipes playing, take up your stance.
And our children will pay for our dangerous dance.
Oh hear the pipes playing, take up your stance.
And our children will pay for our dangerous dance.

